July 1, 2016 stephen All Archive Works on Paper All Archive Works on Paper Nature Layers 2A Yellow Lilies Feather Fragment Blue Red Blast Zinnia Variety Show Anemone Feather Male and Female Hill Partridge Red-Violet Iris Lily Feather Bowl 2 Feather Framed Lily Where Feathers Fall to Rest Airy Descent Ross's Touraco Nature Shaft #1 Feather Niche Canna Sun Beach Morning Glories Feather Fragment Peacock Blue Eyes Feather Fragment Orange 3 Feather Fragments Portrait in Blue Nature Layers 1 Oscillated Turkey Hibiscus Fragment Golden Feather Feather Shadows Mini Susans 2 Feather Fragments Nature Layers 3 Petunia Bud July Blue Nature Sunbittern Fragment Palawan Peacock Feather Fragments Spotty Orange Feather Fall Feather Song Blooms and Feather Positano Flowers Yellow Susans Pink Mallow Cone Flower Feather Fragment 7 Secret Places Standing Feather Forthill Sunset Yellow Shafted Flicker Pansey Owl Feather Feathers and Pansies Nature Layers 2 Water Lilies Reaching for the Sun Feather Row Feather Drape 2 Gladiola Fragment Iris Subittern Catskill Pound Featherscape Iris Detail Nature Zones Tree Peony Bud Feather Fragment 4 Champagne Feather Toast Poppy Day Lilies Yellow Naped Amazon Feather Fragments